
At Ballantyne & Bailey, these values are more than just words; they are the principles that drive us to deliver exceptional mediation services and make a positive difference in the lives of the individuals and organisations we serve.

Our core values form the foundation of our company’s ethos and guide every aspect of our services. These values reflect our dedication to excellence, empathy, and fairness We are committed to fostering a culture of trust, collaboration, and confidentiality. Expand the sections below to find out more. 

  • We believe in the power of empathy to foster understanding and promote meaningful dialogue. We strive to create a safe and supportive environment where all parties involved in a workplace conflict can feel heard, validated, and understood.

  • We uphold the principles of neutrality and impartiality throughout our mediation process. Our mediators act as unbiased facilitators, ensuring that all perspectives are given equal consideration and that no individual or party is favoured over another.

  • We value respect as a fundamental principle in all our interactions. We promote an atmosphere of mutual respect, treating each participant with dignity and courtesy. We encourage open and honest communication while maintaining confidentiality and privacy.

  • We believe in the power of collaboration to find mutually acceptable solutions. Our mediators facilitate collaborative problem-solving, helping parties identify common goals and work together to achieve them. We encourage constructive dialogue, fostering an environment where conflicts can be transformed into opportunities for growth and understanding.

  • We are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in our mediation practice. Our mediators adhere to a strict code of professional conduct, ensuring transparency, honesty, and integrity throughout the mediation process. We maintain confidentiality and handle sensitive information with the utmost care.

  • We recognise that each workplace conflict is unique, and we tailor our mediation approach to meet the specific needs of each situation. We adapt our techniques and strategies to accommodate diverse cultural backgrounds, communication styles, and conflict dynamics, ensuring an inclusive and effective mediation experience.

  • We strive to empower individuals and organisations to take ownership of their conflicts and find sustainable resolutions. Our mediators provide participants with the tools and skills necessary to address future conflicts independently, promoting long-term organisational health and positive work relationships.

  • We are dedicated to professional growth and staying at the forefront of mediation practices. Our mediators engage in ongoing education and training, ensuring that they remain knowledgeable about the latest developments in conflict resolution and mediation techniques. We are committed to delivering the highest quality of service to our clients.

  • We prioritise the needs and interests of our clients. Our mediators listen attentively, ask probing questions, and focus on understanding the unique circumstances and goals of each participant. We work collaboratively with our clients to design mediation processes that meet their specific needs and help them achieve their desired outcomes.

  • We recognise the broader impact of workplace conflicts on individuals, teams, and organisations. Through our mediation services, we aim to create a positive social impact by promoting healthier work environments, fostering stronger relationships, and enhancing overall organisational well-being.